Very few reef tanks have hanging or floating rocks! In our tank, there are three hanging rocks! Be absolutely careful how you touch the railing that supports them! It is not difficult, but it needs some attention and focusing! Be careful! If the rock will fell, then you have to make sure it does not fell on a coral below! Please, place corals beside and put the rock on safe place. You can try to hang it! It is doable. It would be nice to have a second person to help.
Each rock hangs on two hooks and fishing line and this line is placed inside a green metal that in turn is placed on a metal rail that supports everything. This rail can be moved back and forth slowly. The green metal moves left and right and it can turn left or right! Be very slow! Rocks on the back do not move or turn easily! The bottom of rock is on the top of the lower rocks lying on the sand. So, you have to lift the rock a bit and move the bottom part slowly to a desired position.
If for some reason the rock will fell, see what happened? Does the rock fell of something other then the rock below? If there is something – rescue it! Lift the rock and take a snail or something and put somewhere else...
The hooks may rust, but this takes many months to happen. In the worse case, place a rock on the top of other rock in the back of the tank so it looks good and is immersed in water completely and nothing is above water!
Makes sure rock does not touch the pumps because they will buzz and make unpleasant sound. Also, make sure that a big anemone on the right of tank does not touch any other coral – it may touch macroalgea. The rock in the front could be placed somehow in the middle so it does not smash anything – move slowly any corals away a bit and make sure all corals have good light above them.