*** Some aspects of this manual apply only to this tank and its surrounding ***

To my children and friends willing to enjoy maintaining this tank and make its inhabitants happy.
Thank you!

Facebook private Group

My private Facebook group is meant for people who have Facebook accounts and who are interested in marine tanks and especially in marine macro algea.  

I created this group in April of 2017 and invited 143 members as of February 6, 2018.  Over these 10 last months, my tanks underwent many dramatic transformations including adding the whole new variety of macros in November 2017.  

Please, visit join my private by invitation only Facebook group - Fecebook account is mandatory.  I tend to verify who is a potential member to avoid having some scammers and cheaters harming my group, as it has already happened in my group and other as well.

Join my Facebook group Macro-algeas of Ottawa  

First time, to become a member, answer some questions and wait till I add you.  Later, you will be automatically redirected to my group - all providing that you are logon to Facebook in the first place.

See you in my group!